Galaxy Backbone Escalation Path


Fault Classification Escalation Procedure
Priority 1

The Service is not Operational

Whatsapp Service Desk on  0807 399 0518  to log in fault or send email to


If problems remains unresolved  1 hour after SLA target proceed to the first level.

First Level Escalation: Call Head Customer Service on  08034023828

If problems remains unresolved 1 hour after,  proceed to the Second Level.

Second Level Escalation: Call Head, Customer Support Services-08033059721


(It is part of Galaxy Backbone’s standard operating procedure that at Second Level Escalation stage, Galaxy’s Executive Management is also formally informed).

Priority 2

Service is functional, but functionally is seriously impaired

Whatsapp Service Desk on  0807 399 0518  to log in fault or send email to


If problems remains unresolved  1 hour after SLA target proceed to the first level.

First Level Escalation: Call Head Customer Service on  08034023828

If problems remains unresolved 1 hour after,  proceed to the Second Level.

Second Level Escalation: Call Head, Customer Support  Services-08033059721


(It is part of Galaxy Backbone’s standard operating procedure that at Second Level Escalation stage, Galaxy’s Executive Management is also formally informed).

Priority 3

Service is usable but a specific problem has been identified and portion of the customer’s service is impacting negatively on the Customer’s use of the service

Whatsapp Service Desk on  0807 399 0518  to log in fault or send email to


If problems remains unresolved  1 hour after SLA target proceed to the first level.

First Level Escalation: Call Head Customer Service on  08034023828

If problems remains unresolved 1 hour after,  proceed to the Second Level.

Second Level Escalation: Call Head, Customer Support Services-08033059721


(It is part of Service Provider’s standard operating procedure that at Second Level Escalation stage, Service Provider’s Executive Management is also formally informed).